The Spring Bouquet
So, spring bouquets are so popular at the moment and Lynne was right ahead of the curve when choosing hers...
Together, we searched through several varieties to ensure that Lynne's vision of colour and spring like design was encapsulated.
I believe her words were when she seen her bouquet were, "that is the perfect colour scheme I wanted".... or words to that effect.
Anyway, here are some pictures.... enjoy
And, Lynne, you were a diamond to deal with, hope you got lots of quirky shots in the snow!!
Lynne's bouquet of spring flowers that had over seven varieties of flowers in.
And for the Mum, a corsage of green Lisianthus.
Wrist corsages for the bridesmaids of spring flowers..
The groomsmen buttonholes of ranunculous, a smaller type of buttonhole but effective just the same.
A combslide of spring flowers for the bridesmaids..
Thank you for choosing us, I know i say this all the time but we do know that brides have a choice out there, so when they choose us, it makes our day..
Take care and many congrats..
Paula xx
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